Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Update on Michael

I just wanted to let you all know how Michael is doing today. It's 5 days since his cataract surgery, and I saw him briefly today. He is seeing 6/18 (20/60), which is several lines better already than the day after surgery! And the gel that had come forward from the back of his eye is back in place all by itself - some of you must have been praying :) . Praise the Lord.

I asked Michael what he most enjoyed about this last weekend. He said right off the bat, "Oh, being able to see! My favorite thing is just being able to shower and bathe myself by myself. I can be clean now, whenever I want, and I can walk with my crutches to and from the shower all by myself. Seeing my plate while eating is wonderful, too. Before surgery, I would eat with my fingers to try to avoid dropping food all over the place since I couldn't see it - and sometimes it did anyway. But now I'm eating again with a fork and spoon," he said with a grin. And I have to say, I couldn't smell the urine at all this time!

I hope he isn't walking to and from the shower unaccompanied very often - he's not very steady, though I'm glad he's enjoying it :) . Hopefully he'll have these other problems worked on soon.

We did Michael's second eye the day before leaving for the states, and the next day he was seeing excellently with that eye as well - I think 20/30. He was very happy.

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