Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where have we been??? (aka - The Hofman Hiatus)

If you had been following our blog, you may have noticed that we have not posted a blog for a LONG time.  Sorry about that - the slowness of internet has been the main reason (with taking care of an infant and Wendy being pregnant with baby #2 also adding to our lack of blog time.)

But, we are still alive and well here at Bongolo Hospital in Gabon, Africa.  In spite of the internet, we still have been able to send out weekly prayer emails, each with a photo.  We have found this to be a great way to give late breaking news (and photos) without having to wait for internet pages to load.  If you would like to receive this weekly email (we'd love to have more prayers!!), please send us an email at, and we'll get you added to the list.  Also feel free to email us and let us know what you've been up to - it would be great to hear from you!

Much love from the jungles of Gabon, Africa,
Eric, Wendy, Esther, and baby #2 (it's a boy!)

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