Sunday, January 11, 2009

There and Back Again: A Hofman's Holiday

For the Lord of the Rings lovers out there, the title may sound a bit familiar. Well, our holiday back home in the US was a bit hobbit-like. We often had second breakfast (in the form of cookies, candy, and Christmas bread), and most of our time was centered on family, food, and a bit of adventure.

We had a wonderful time visiting our families over Christmas and New Years, and we were very thankful for the opportunity. Next Christmas will likely be spent in Gabon, so we savored this one as much as possible. We held on to each hug a little longer than usual, and each goodbye brought a few tears.

Christmas-week was spent with the Hofmans. Much of Eric's family was there, and we enjoyed many great meals and fun times together. But we were missing a few folks: Brad (Eric's brother) is spending his first Christmas with Jesus - we're sure that's a joyful one for him; and April (Wendy's sister) and family were going to join us for a few days, but were unable due to car problems and weather conditions. And we were missing one of our bags, which had a vacation of its own, and didn't show up until our last evening in Omaha.

The week of New Years was with the Summersetts. There we had a second Christmas dinner (along with many other wonderful meals), went down-hill skiing (ask Carl about our great parking spot), and played many competitive games of ping pong, foosball, and darts. We enjoyed seeing other family and friends as well, although we missed seeing Matt (Wendy's brother) and family, who spent the holiday at home in Texas.
Between the two trips, we had a layover in Minneapolis which allowed us to see Wendy's shoulder surgeon (who said all is well) - he made a special appointment to see us during the holidays, since we were in town for a short time - God's provision is amazing!

While we were in the States, our time in Switzerland seemed as a dream. But now we are back in that dream, in an adventure not that different than the Hobbit's. Our goal is that good would overcome, that evil would be defeated, and that those who are held captive under the power of the evil one would be freed. May not the Lord of the Rings, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords go with you this week.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Glad to hear you are back on the blog. Hope language learning is going well!! Happy New Year!! Love, Taryn