We hope you’ve had a great couple of weeks! Our past two weeks have been quite eventful – some good, some bad. But God has brought us through it all. Here’s a brief list of what’s been going on:
Trial: Wendy’s flight from Benin to Gabon was cancelled (without them telling her).
God’s Response: She was able to get on the flight the next day. Also, she got an additional day with friends on Mercy Ships. Eric survived by taking deep breaths and passed the time playing Hearts on the computer and shopping for ant poison.
Trial: On our way from Libreville (the capital of Gabon) to the hospital, we got a call telling us that our house was broken into, a lot of food was taken, and the kitchen was a mess.
God’s Response: The missionary team at the hospital pitched in, cleaned up the mess, and fixed the screen that was torn by the intruders. Also, one of the couples had us over for dinner.
Trial: After dinner that same night, we came back to our house and found that it had been broken into again!
God’s Response: The missionary team (along with a few Gabonese) fixed the screen again, stayed in the house overnight (while we stayed in a guest house), found the culprits (4 kids ages 7-11, so don’t be too worried) by 8:00 AM the next morning, had the locks in the house changed and a few unnecessary doors screwed shut, found someone to help clean up the new mess, had us over for lunch and dinner that day, and recovered some of the lost goods (including half of our Swiss chocolate that we had so diligently saved, along with some granola bars, Pringles, and chocolate syrup – Root beer and Combos were also among the items taken - those kids have good taste!). Luke and Sarah Thelander (two missionary children) also very sweetly gave us a bag of their candy to help make up for our loss.
Trial: The bugs of Gabon realized just how sweet Wendy is, and she got a ton of bites (and was very itchy).
God’s Response: Anti-itch cream and antibiotics from a couple of the missionaries – within a few days, the itching was much decreased.
Trial: Eric’s grandpa died unexpectedly. :(
God’s Response: A very loving and supportive missionary community. Please pray for Eric’s grandma especially, as she has just started her recovery from a broken hip, and now has to deal with losing her husband of more than 65 years as well.
Trial: A snake decided to pay us a visit in our house.
God’s Response: Right at the moment the snake was discovered, Pastor Serge (the hospital administrator) arrived at our house, saw the snake, went and found a stick, came back, and killed the snake. Talk about God’s provision!! When asked if the snake was dangerous, Pastor Serge said no. “So, he’s not poisonous?” Wendy asked. “No, he is poisonous, but it would be difficult for him to kill you.” I’m glad that snake is out of our house, even if he is “not dangerous”!
Trial: The President of Gabon (who had been president for over 40 years) died. :(
God’s Response: A peaceful first week after his death. Please continue to pray – elections are supposed to be held in about 45 days – pray for a peaceful transition.
Trial: Wendy got very sick once again.
God’s Response: A fellow missionary coming over at 10:00 PM to give her a shot (since she wasn’t keeping medicines down), and an understanding group of coworkers and patients at the eye clinic when she didn’t show up the following day. She’s still in the recovery stage, so please keep her in your prayers.
Trial: It’s 2:00 pm, and Wendy’s not home for lunch yet!
God’s Response: A package of Combos left unscathed by the kids to tide Eric over until she gets home!!
As you can see, we’ve had our share of trials this past couple of weeks. But God has had an answer for every one of them. And your prayers are a big part of that. Please continue to lift us up in your prayers – we need them!!!
Eric and Wendy
Friday, June 12, 2009
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Whoa. What a week! Somehow I heard a rumor about the break-in. Grateful to hear about God's provision. Friday I went for a cookout at a neighbor's and met a nurse named Ginger who was on the Mercy Ship and worked a few days with Wendy in the OR. Small world! Praying for you guys! Taryn
Wow! It's so cool to see how God answers and provides in unique ways :-)
Praying for you guys!
My goodness what a welcome for Wendy!! Hope all is going well.
I pray for a peaceful transition of power for Gabon. Be well and be safe.
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