But not this time! For Wendy, it was the best of times - one of the missionary gals stopped by our place a couple weeks ago with a surprise - two baby kitties!! Wendy immediately fell in love with them, and was playing mommy with them, feeding them from an eye dropper.

But it was the worst of times for others, including Gentil (the cat we have been watching) - she does not like the kitties one bit! They steal our attention (and they also try to steal her food!) And for these kitties, it was the worst of times because Momma (Wendy) decided they needed a bath - why are moms always making kids take baths??

The age of wisdom? These kitties were very wise. Their piece of wisdom - after having a bath, find a friend to snuggle up to in order to try to stay warm.

And the age of foolishness? When one is hungry, it can drive one to a little foolishness.

And it’s a great spot to get in some good playing, too!
I almost forgot to mention their names! One is a girl, who we've named Pokey (short for Pocahontas), because she is quite adventurous. The other is a boy, so we've named him Johnny. We named him this because he often follows Pokey around on her adventures, just like Pocahontas leading John Smith around in America!
These kitties have really been a blessing, especially for Wendy, who has been in desperate need of a distraction when things are tough at the eye clinic. They are just another example of God's amazing provision of just what we need at just the right time.
1 comment:
You may want to get some Megacat! :-)
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