But as much fun has church at home can be, we know that it is really important for us to become a part of a community of believers. We need to find a church where we can attend regularly, receive encouragement, listen to solid teaching, and have an opportunity to use our talents to help fellow believers in their walk with God.
The church that we attended this morning is one of the front-runners. It is small (around 40 people in attendance), relatively new, and close (a 10 minute drive from the hospital). One of the other missionary couples currently attends this church, and they provide us with a way to get there and serve as instant friends at the church. The lack of a sound system at this church makes understanding the sermon and songs (in French) much more doable, and the pastor and congregation seem very genuine and welcoming. And just today, one of the women asked Wendy if she would be willing to help start up a Sunday School for the kids. Please pray that God would give us wisdom in deciding on a church to attend regularly.
In addition to church on Sunday mornings, we have other regular opportunities to strengthen our relationship with God and others. Every Wednesday evening, the missionaries here at the hospital get together to pray for each other and to talk about how things are going, both personally and work-wise. We have also started getting together every Friday at noon to pray together with the other missionaries.
But that's not all!! Four mornings a week, there are devotions at the hospital (from 7:30 - 8:00). This is open to all hospital workers, and while it is in French (which can make it difficult at times to really understand what is being shared), it is a good opportunity to worship and learn alongside our fellow Gabonese hospital workers (who are also our brothers and sisters in Christ). We both also have prayer/accountability partners that we get together with on a regular basis for prayers, which is really an encouragement to both of us.

So, even though we don't have church quite like what we had in the States, we still are finding ways to connect with God and others. God has made it clear - it is not good for man (or woman) to be alone (such as in this picture - isn't it a bit sad?) We are meant to live this life in community - and we are so thankful that He is providing for this need in so many different ways for us here in Gabon!
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