Sunday, January 24, 2010

Breaking News!!

This weekend, we had some breaking news - Eric broke his little toe!! And to add a little fun to the blog, we'll see if you can guess how it happened - via multiple choice:

How did Eric break his toe?
A. In the process of trying to protect a gecko from being eaten by a very large spider, Eric kicked the wall, breaking his toe while the spider ran off to safety.
B. Sick of Wendy studying all the time, Eric kicked a stack of her study books, breaking his toe in the process.
C. Imagining himself to be Michael Chang, Eric tried to run down an amazing shot by Keir in tennis, tripped over his own foot, and broke his toe.
D. Not looking where he was going, Eric kicked the leg of a chair while walking by it.
We'll start by eliminating the incorrect answers.

This weekend, Eric heard a little shriek come from the bathroom. This is not all that uncommon - it happens whenever Wendy sees a bug of some sort, especially one in the bathroom. When Eric went into the bathroom to see what was going on, Wendy pointed up to the wall. A large spider was there lurking. It was probably as big as the palm of Eric's hand (Wendy's note: Eric has a BIG palm!). Then we saw a little gecko run by on another part of the wall. The spider was definitely bigger than the gecko, and we feared a bit for his safety. But thankfully, the gecko wisely kept its distance, so there was no need to try to save him. So Eric did not break his toe protecting a gecko.

With Wendy's exam coming up very quickly (we leave the first part of March to go back to the States), Wendy has been studying A LOT. At times, Eric gets quite jealous of all the attention that her study books get (attention that rightly belongs to him, from his point of view)! So, he often dreams about various ways of getting rid of those nasty books - throwing them over the cliff, using them as kindling in our fireplace, pouring syrup on them and then letting the ants devour them, or simply giving them a kick. But knowing how important this exam is to Wendy, Eric has resisted all of these temptations, and so he did not break his toe in that way.

While we are very thankful for the blessing of having a tennis court here in the jungle, the lines on the tennis court were in sad shape. This past week, Eric and Lisa (another missionary here) repainted the lines, and now it looks quite good. So, Eric and Keir (a general surgeon here) were testing out the new lines. The lines worked quite well, but Keir's shots were so good that perhaps not even Michael Chang could have reached them (let alone Eric, even in his dreams). Eric's pride took quite a beating on the tennis court, but the court had no adverse affect on his toe.

So, this leaves the last answer - the correct one. Similar to Eric's story about how his cell phone stopped a bullet and saved his life, he may try to tell you some fantastic story about the breaking of his toe. But don't believe a word of it! He simply broke it because he was not paying attention to where he was going.

But it hasn't been all bad. Because Eric broke his toe, Wendy has been giving him a lot more attention. Eric has finally found a way to defeat those study books of Wendy's!!!


afreakforjc said...

Hilarious! Lovin' it!

Steve said...

Hey Eric... try lopping of an arm or two... perhaps you'll get more attention then! ... just a thought...

Anonymous said...

Awesome post guys! You make me laugh - I can just imagine each of those scenarios... :) I broke my foot once with good story - a lizard ran up my pajama pant leg and I broke my foot stomped it out! Miss you guys! It's nice to read about how you're doing!